Admissions & Enrollment
Here is how enrollment works at Maximum Christian School!
At any time you may contact our admissions team at 864.753.7505 or email us at, with questions or to check on the status of your application or enrollment. We will do everything we can to move through this process quickly.
Embark on a tour that takes you into the heart of our relaxed and self-paced learning environment. Discover how our A.C.E. curriculum is tailored to your child's individual challenge level, ensuring meaningful progress without overwhelming pressures. Our enriching academic programs are complemented by daily chapel sessions and immersive enrichment experiences.
1. Complete application with fee
Begin the application process by clicking the complete application button below. A $20 nonrefundable application fee secures your spot on our consultation waiting list. Expect a follow-up from our team within 48 hours of submission. In case of any hiccups in cyberspace, don't hesitate to contact Angela Didway at 864-612-0409.
2. Consultation with Staff
Our admissions process is thoughtfully designed to ensure that both your child and our school are the right fit for each other. After submitting your application, we'll schedule a consultation to explore this synergy further. During the consultation, lasting under an hour, we'll discuss your child's learning goals, assess compatibility, and address any questions.
Expectations for the consultation and preparation:
1. Both parents should attend if possible.
2. Familiarize yourselves with our student code of conduct before the consultation.
3. A family interview with parents and students will take place.
4. Each prospective student will have an individual interview.
5. We assess alignment with our mission, the student's agreement with the code of conduct, and willingness to attend.
6. The consultation helps both parties gauge compatibility; it doesn't commit either side to enrollment.
7. Our MCS host will indicate when to expect a decision.
3. Enrollment and Fees
Secure enrollment by making a $100 payment via the link below or by contacting Angela Didway at 864-753-7505.
Enrollment can be completed in the following ways:
1. Complete the enrollment via link below
2. Scan and email documents to Angela Didway (
3. Bring documents during your scheduled placement test
4. Schedule Curriculum Diagnostic
Schedule the placement test via the calendar link provided. Follow these pointers for success:
1. Choose your child's best, alert time.
2. Bring a healthy snack or drink.
3. The test is laptop-based with clear instructions.
4. Our staff is available for guidance.
5. Placement begins two grade levels below the child's current grade.
6. Gaps in skills are identified for targeted teaching.
7. Immediate results are emailed to Principal.
8. Curriculum is tailored to challenge without overwhelming.
9. Reading level is key for placement, along with other factors.
10. Your input throughout the process is valued.